3 May: Difference Day celebrates freedom of the press

Difference Day is all about celebrating freedom of the press and freedom of expression.

On the second debate of the day, panelists will discuss Mapping Media Freedom, a project run by Index on Censorship, in a debate titled EU Media, Censorship & Propaganda. MMF shows that press freedom is threatened in many places of the world, including Europe.

The debate will look at the art of journalism in Europe. Participants, including Index’s advocacy officer Melody Patry, will then explore cases and their own experiences about how the mass media are censored by governments and corporations. Issues such as self-censorship, hate speech and propaganda – in particular in the current geopolitical context – will be addressed.


Moderator:  Ton van Lierop

Patry will also take part in a debate on World Wide Worries About Free Reporting.

All over the world news reporting is threatened by violence and abuses of freedom of expression. Panelists in this debate will share insights on why important issues and current events are not covered by the mainstream media. The participants will discuss their own experiences and global perspectives on how to preserve the right to publish.


Moderator:  Jean-Paul Marthoz

When: World Press Freedom Day, 3 May, 12:30pm
Where: BOZAR – Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels (Map)
Tickets: Free, but registration is required