Australia plans new terror laws

Australia has announced plans to amend its anti-terrorism legislation to give more power to the police. Australia has gradually extended laws on detaining and interrogating terrorism suspects since 2001. There are plans to broaden the definition of a terrorist to include individuals planning to inflict psychological damage as well as those intending to cause physical injury. Read more here

Radio show axed after rape controversy

An Australian radio phone-in show has been taken off air after a 14-year-old girl admitted to being raped while taking part in a game on the programme. Presenter Kyle Sandilands asked the girl if that had been her only sexual experience.
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Qantas censors anti-censorship advert

Qantas airline has put a halt on online activist group GetUp’s latest anti-censorship campaign, refusing to run the “Censordyne” advert, which criticises the Australian government’s forthcoming Internet filtering scheme, on its flights. The group had planned to run the parody advert on all domestic flights into Canberra next month to ensure it was seen by politicians around the first sitting week of parliament. Read more here