Belarus: Protesters arrested, journalists targeted in teargas attacks

Over 300 people were reportedly arrested on Sunday in nationwide demonstrations against President Alexander Lukashenko’s government. Teargas was also fired to disperse the crowd. Some journalists have claimed that they were targeted in the attacks in a bid to prevent them from filming or taking photographs. In the capital, Minsk, the crowds attempted to disrupt Lukashenko’s Independence Day by clapping their hands.



Belarus cracks down on ‘silent’ protest

Belarusian police have grabbed and beaten over a dozen reporters, broken their equipment, and detained another 150 protestors at a political rally in Minsk and Brest on Wednesday. Over a thousand people assembled to protest the repressive policies of President Alexander Lukashenko by clapping every two to three minutes to avoid arrest. The protest was strictly ‘silent’ and no one shouted or held signs. At a similar protest last week, 450 were detained.

Belarus: Protesters use social media to organise co-ordinate efforts

Activists used popular Russian social network, Vkontakte, and Twitter hashtag, #2206v1900, to organise protest action in towns all over Belarus on 22 June. Over 1, 000 people gathered for a rally in Minsk despite warnings to would-be protesters from local police about “possible administrative charges for participating in unsanctioned protests”. Throughout the day Vkontakte group, “Movement of the Future”, with over 200, 000 members, tweeted regularly. A total of 450 protesters were arrested during the “silent” anti-government demonstrations, many remain in detention.