US artists end Newport rap success

The YouTube sensation ‘Newport State of Mind’, a parody of the Jay-Z and Alicia Keys song ‘Empire State of Mind‘, has been banned. Initial reports stated that EMI music or EMI publishing were behind the ban, however, recent accounts state that it may have been following a direct request from the artists credited with the song. Videos of a live performance of  ‘Newport State of Mind’ are still available on YouTube, as are those of a rival spoof based around the same song by Newport rappers Goldie Lookin’ Chain.

Belarus continues crackdown on opposition

The Belarusian government has continued with its crackdown on opposition groups by arresting Mikhas Bashura on charges of forgery. Bashura, who denies the charges, is an outspoken member of the Tell the Truth campaign. In May 2010 three of his campaign colleagues were arrested. Two months later his car was searched and campaign documents containing the signatures of 20,000 people were seized. The arrest is the latest in a series of actions against opposition campaigners.

Sudan: BBC radio suspended

Reports from Khartoum state that the Sudanese government has  suspended BBC radio stations over alleged smuggling offences which included bringing satellite equipment into the country. The stations broadcast in Arabic to around four million people in the north of the country.

Recently the government demanded that journalists in the country provide private information regarding political views, friends, addresses, bank details and floor plans of their houses. The deadline for the return of this information was August 5. Since then the government has announced that it’s official censorship of newspapers has ended, but despite this, some newspapers remain closed and intimidation continues.

Southampton score own goal with photographer ban

Southampton FC has declared that it will retain its ban on all non-official photographers, despite widespread condemnation. The original company sourced to provide photographs for the media, The Digital South, has since refused to work with the League One Club, declaring that they felt the ban was a bad idea. Southampton have nonetheless continued with the ban and will now use its own team of photographers to provide coverage of all home games this season.