6 May: Silencing the people: Freedom of expression in a global society


The Point of No Return, a new play based upon the last four days of Ukraine’s Maidan protests. From personally recorded real-life stories, extensive research and a journey to the heart of Ukraine, this story is based upon the revolution in Kiev in January-February 2014.

The performance on 6 May will be followed by a discussion including Jodie Ginsberg, CEO of Index on Censorship:

  • How important is freedom of speech to democracy?
  • What form did censorship take in the Ukrainian revolution?
  • How is censorship happening in the UK today?

Index joins BeFrank Theatre Company for an evening of debate and discussion about the future of free speech in the UK, Ukraine and across the world.

Where: New Diorama Theatre, London (Nearest Tube: Warren St)
When: Wednesday 6 May 2015, 7.30pm
Tickets: £12-£15 / Book here

An earlier version of this event provided the wrong date. It takes place on 6 May.

19 Feb: As long as it’s funny – a discussion about comedy and censorship


The London Irish Comedy Festival is hosting a free event about comedy and censorship.

Controversy has always surrounded the comedy industry, from stand-up to sitcom to satire. During the discussion, ethics, censorship, freedom of expression and taste will be explored by special guest panellists and the audience.

  • What makes us sometimes laugh at the very worst of human nature?
  • Is comedy a natural and positive way of coping with horror?
  • When is a joke just too offensive to use?
  • When exactly is “too soon”?
  • What’s off limits?
  • Is every aspect of life fair game?

Join the London Irish Comedy Festival to grapple with these and many other questions in a provocative and interactive event.

Steve Moore, Entrepreneur, Campaigner and Facilitator
Jodie Ginsberg, Chief Executive, Index on Censorship
Eddie Doyle, Head of Comedy, Talent Development & Music, RTÉ
Austin Harney, Chair, Campaign for the Rights and Actions of Irish Communities
Gráinne Maguire, stand-up comedian, comedy writer and columnist

WHERE: Comedy Café Theatre, 68 Rivington Street, Shoreditch, EC2A 3AY
WHEN: Thursday 19th February 2015 – 8:00pm
TICKETS: Free but must be reserved – available here

30 Jan: Walking the Tightrope – the tension between art and politics


Presenting the world premiere of a collection of 12 explosive political five minute plays by writers including Mark Ravenhill, Neil LaBute and Caryl Churchill.

Arising from events and decisions relating to The Underbelly and Incubator Theatre’s The City, Exhibit B and the Barbican, and The Tricycle Theatre.

Each performance will include all twelve five minute plays and a lively post-show discussion exploring freedom of expression in UK arts today. Engage in discussion with the commissioned writers and a range of free expression advocates .

The post-show debate on on Friday 30th January will feature Index on Censorship CEO Jodie Ginsberg.


WHERE: Theatre Delicatessen, London, EC1R 3ER
WHEN:  Monday 26th – Saturday 31st January,  7:30pm & Sat Matinee
TICKETS: £15 / £12 – available here


This event is produced by Offstage Theatre, in association with Theatre Uncut, and supported by Index on Censorship and Free Word.

Azerbaijan: Government arrests investigative journalist

Khadija Ismayilova

Khadija Ismayilova

The arrest of Azerbaijani investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova today underscores the entrenched authoritarian instincts of the government of President Ilham Aliyev. Ismayilova was sentenced to a two month pretrial detention.

“The arrest of Khadija Ismayilova is part of Azerbaijan’s continued crackdown on free media and civil society. This confirms the pattern of intimidation and harassment perpetrated by authorities in an attempt to silence critical voices,” Melody Patry, senior advocacy officer at Index on Censorship, said.

Ismayilova’s arrest follows the earlier detentions of human rights defenders Leyla Yunus and her husband Arif Yunus; free speech advocate Rasul Jafarov; journalists Seymur Hezi, Parviz Hashimli, Nijat Aliyev and Sardar Alibeyli; and bloggers Omar Mamedov, Abdul Abilov and Rashad Ramazano. The country has starved the 2014 Index award winning Azadliq newspaper of resources, forcing it to suspend its print edition. The charges against all of the detainees range from hooliganism to illegal storage and sale of drugs.

Today’s action by Azerbaijan’s authorities also drew immediate criticism from Human Rights House Foundation Executive Director Maria Dahle and the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović.

“This sentence does not come as a surprise: we assumed the authorities wanted to silence Khadija Ismayilova,” said Dahle. “The arrest has a chilling effect: one must now consider that every independent civil society leader in Azerbaijan is a target and can be arrested at any given time for any charge, as ludicrous as one can imagine. The international community, especially the Council of Europe, must now get a foot in the door to stop the repression, including by stopping further cooperation with Azerbaijan’s authorities”, Dahle added.

“The arrest of Ismayilova is nothing but orchestrated intimidation, which is a part of the ongoing campaign aimed at silencing her free and critical voice,” Mijatović said.

On Friday afternoon, Ismayilova’s usually very active Facebook page was also inaccessible.


Azerbaijan, which spends significant amounts on media relations, presents itself as a modern nation. But behind the smokescreen, the country has been carrying out a systematic suppression of civil society, journalists and independent media.

This article was posted on 5 Dec 2014 at indexoncensorship.org