
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”中国私语”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”102369″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][vc_column_text]天安门大屠杀十周年纪念日已悄悄过去,但民众对民主和变革的期望依旧强烈



很多外界的评论家很轻易地得出结论:天安门精神在某种意义上早已过时。少数人仍继续抗争,他们的牺牲被世人所认可。遭受牢狱之灾的同胞(1989年前后许大量民众遭判重刑,其中数百人仍在监狱服刑)被世人所承认。专家指出这个实施经济改革的同时扼杀政治改革的体制未来将面临的巨大危险。但总体结论是,不论好坏,在过去十年中,“中国已经发生了翻天覆地的变化”。新闻上会报道今天参与反美游行的学生在遍布大街小巷的麦当劳吃饭,或者渴望得到美国大学研究生奖学金,这样的报道无疑鼓励了一种道德疏远感。十年前学生运动中鼎鼎大名的学生领袖,有些人流亡海外从事计算机软件和金融行业。那些继续在政治上活跃的持不同政见者,彼此为敌。在一场著名的争斗发生在国会委员会会议室的地板上。1989天安门影响越来越小,甚至屠杀相关的记忆也越发模糊——除了那早已为人所熟识的阻止坦克前行的年轻人王维林。 作为中国时事话题的政治改革问题早已模糊不清,只能用非常一句非常笼统的话,总有一天,仍需政治改革。

另一条分析线索有助于我们将天安门广场大屠杀视为一个史诗般的事件,但仅属于历史。一种论点是1989年学生们所追求的目标早已实现:中国成为一个更为多元化的社会,首先现在大多数人都可以享受更多自由,至少是以非正式的形式,前提是你没有受到监禁。其结果是减少民主斗争:如果人们现在可以出国度假,至少在大城市可以购买性爱玩具, 购买自己的公寓,人们渴望购买私家车,可以抱怨官场腐败,那么生活显然不算太糟糕。





因此1989年的抗议活动要比通常被打上 “学生民主运动” 的标签更加多元化。它的多元化并不像普林斯顿和加州大学精英学生活动那么不符合时代要求。然而在政界的另一端,共产党内有一种被称之为“支持改革”的话语一直存在,尽管他们在表达方式上比在1989年前政治沙龙在北京活跃时期更加谨慎。1998年这种崭新的政治氛围引起了人们的注意,并被赋予了 “北京之春” 这一误导性的标签,然而不久就转向政治严冬。事实上,对话仍在继续。(尽管这种对话可能由于中国大使馆被炸事件引发的极端民族主义言论所压制)。



当前政治文化的另一端,有越来越多的社会团体准备动员群众抗议同施压以维护他们的利益。这些并不是统一的群众运动组织,他们的数字也被海外的持不同政见者有所夸大。这些组织的存在足以引起北京当局的警惕。在1999年三月的全国人民代表大会上,当局要求各省找到处理当地异议分子的方法。最常使用的方法是建立警察和安全部队(这对地方的资源也是巨大的消耗,当局为了攫取资源则会进一步压榨当地农民)。朱镕基政府更加敏锐得认识该问题并要求地方政府解决这些冤情,避免采取传统的打压方法。每年在湖北、湖南、四川、广西、安徽和江西等内陆省份都会发生数百甚至数以千起小规模的农民抗议活动。腐败不会被繁荣所抵消。然而城市中的下岗工人发现示威是确保他们获得微薄的失业补偿的唯一途径。虽然这些抗议彼此并无联系,但是它们代表了一大堆不满情绪,这种不满情绪源于对社会正义需求的信念, 有时候是对“社会主义”年代的怀念,其他情况则是对一些显而易见的人类价值的追求。这些抗议行动有时会变得暴力,甚至出现冲突,但通常不会报道。




这并不一定意味着,当新的政治举措出现时,严格意义上的民主将被视为无关紧要。自本世纪初以来中国人一直被指责要么不了解民主,要么不想要民主。这不仅是一种傲慢的观点,而且该观点还忽视了如果民主机会成熟,中国人民也可以抓住机会的可能性。1995 年印度尼西亚举行该国四十多年来第一次真正的选举时,数以百万计的印度尼西亚人热情投入组织和参与这次大选。这充分显示当人们意识到自己的声音能被重视后,所爆发出来的无限潜力。中国距离那一时刻的来临还有很长的路要走,但这并意味着政治会一直停滞不前。资深记者刘宾雁自20世纪80年代后期流亡,流亡前的几十年里他一直都是体制内最有力的批评者。他在普林斯顿中国学社的《纵览中国》最后一期杂志上,得出类似的结论(见《索引》1/1997)。北京大屠杀之后,刘宾雁回忆,“在短时期内,中国将发生政治变革,但是我的预测都没有实现。1992年(邓小平重启经济改革后),我发现自己需要面对一个完全不同的中国。刘承认新的经济政策很受欢迎,政策在政府和社会之间建立一种默契的社会契约。刘没有预见到许多知识分子以及官僚和暴发户将成为“新保守势力”。然而,刘将希望寄托在出现更新的势力上:新激进主义的知识分子,他们不怕暴露社会的黑暗面,以及普通人中出现的非政治组织。


John Gittings 是《卫报》和《观察家报》东亚记者,现派驻在香港。他的新书《从推拉门里看中国》精选作者过去三十年的中国报道[/vc_column_text][vc_basic_grid post_type=”post” max_items=”4″ element_width=”6″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1564584643893-55fbf713-79af-8″ taxonomies=”29029″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Subscribe”][vc_column_text]In print, online. In your mailbox, on your iPad.

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”诗人多多经历死亡后接受访问”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”106533″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][vc_column_text]


多多原名粟世征,1951年出生于北京。多多自1972年文化大革命(1966-1976) 最黑暗的时期开始诗歌创作。多多一直独来独往,甚至算得上是个独行侠。年轻时多多曾接受过专业戏曲训练,他也以高度个人主义风格进行绘画创作。1989年六月四日天安门大屠杀后离开中国,流亡前多多一直在一家全国性报纸担任记者。




多多人认为, 在上一次民主运动, 1978-79年的北京之春, 作家和艺术家是通过文学和艺术创作以实现知识启蒙。在这次民主运动中记者、作家和艺术家的重点不是艺术创作,而是支持和参与民主运动。他们直接参加了街头示威。正是以这样的身份, 多多本人在19894月到6月间经常出现在天安门。

“在过去的十年左右的时间里, 已经奠定了知识基础,这次运动不需要写诗, 需要的是上街示威……这次就像一场革命。革命时期,没有艺术,只有宣传。然而, 需要宣传就意味着街头示威高喊口号,但并需要把自己的艺术变成革命宣传工具 。”

然而, 早在这场 “革命” 发生之前, 作家们——无论他们的创作题材是诗歌、小说还是报道——都表达出对民主和自由的诉求。学者们也为这一运动的知识辩论做出相当大的贡献。正因如此北京市长最近将当局所谓的 “反革命动乱”归咎于学者群体。


“他们完全开历史倒车,逆革命潮流……自从中共建政以来没有任何建树。他们变得反革命……他们是反革命政府…… ”







至于知识分子在为变革做准备方面的作用,多多认为必须先解决个人自由问题。长期以来,中国的知识分子已经将自己的创造力和知识利益纳入了群众利益之中。中国近百年的历史以民族救赎为中心,知识分子将自己的才能和精力投入其中。结果,他们牺牲了个人自由。 多多认为:“这将不复存在。尊重个人自由是民主的基础,从长远来看,只有民主才能造福人民。”























































吴海珍(音),云南教育学院外语系讲师[/vc_column_text][vc_basic_grid post_type=”post” max_items=”4″ element_width=”6″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1562080722145-dfd18b01-1482-9″ taxonomies=”29029″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Subscribe”][vc_column_text]In print, online. In your mailbox, on your iPad.

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Law and the new world order

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Index editor Rachael Jolley argues in the summer 2019 issue of Index on Censorship magazine that it is vital to defend the distance between a nation’s leaders and its judges and lawyers, but this gap being narrowed around the world” google_fonts=”font_family:Libre%20Baskerville%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700|font_style:400%20italic%3A400%3Aitalic”][vc_column_text]

It all started with a conversation I had with a couple of journalists working in tough countries. We were talking about what kind of protection they still had, despite laws that could be used to crack down on their kind of journalism journalism that is critical of governments. 

They said: When the independence of the justice system is gone then that is it. Its all over.

And they felt that while there were still lawyers prepared to stand with them to defend cases, and judges who were not in the pay of or bowed by government pressure, there was still hope. Belief in the rule of law, and its wire-like strength, really mattered.

These are people who keep on writing tough stories that could get them in trouble with the people in power when all around them are telling them it might be safer if they were to shut up.

This sliver of optimism means a great deal to journalists, activists, opposition politicians and artists who work in countries where the climate is very strongly in favour of silence. It means they feel like someone else is still there for them.

I started talking to journalists, writers and activists in other places around the world, and I realised that although many of them hadnt articulated this thought, when I mentioned it they said: Yes, yes, thats right. That makes a real difference to us.

So why and how do we defend the system of legal independence and make more people aware of its value? Its not something you hear being discussed in the local bar or café, after all. 

Right now, we need to make a wider public argument about why we all need to stand up for the right to an independent justice system. 

[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_icon icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-quote-left” color=”custom” size=”xl” align=”right” custom_color=”#dd3333″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”3/4″][vc_custom_heading text=”On an ordinary day, most of us are not in court or fighting a legal action, so it is only when we do, or we know someone who is, that we might realise that something important has been eroded” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:Libre%20Baskerville%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700|font_style:400%20italic%3A400%3Aitalic”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]

We need to do it because it is at the heart of any free country, protecting our freedom to speak, think, debate, paint, draw and put on plays that produce unexpected and challenging thoughts. The wider public is not thinking hey, yes, I worry that the courts are run down, and that criminal lawyers are in short supply, or If I took a case to trial and won my case I can no longer claim my lawyers fees back from the court. On an ordinary day, most of us are not in court or fighting a legal action, so it is only when we are, or when we know someone who is, that we might realise that something important has been eroded. 

Our rights are slowly, piece by piece, being undermined when our ability to access courts is severely limited, when judges feel too close to presidents or prime ministers, and when lawyers get locked up for taking a case that a national government would rather was not heard.

All those things are happening in parts of the world right now. 

In China, hundreds of lawyers are in prison; in England and Wales since 2014 it has become more risky financially for most ordinary people to take a case to court as those who win a case no longer have their court fees paid automatically; and in Brazil the new president, Jair Bolsonaro, has just appointed a judge who was very much part of his election campaign to a newly invented super-ministerial role. 

Helpfully, there are some factors that are deeply embedded in many countrieslegal histories and cultures that make it more difficult for authoritarian leaders to close the necessary space between the government and the justice system.

Many people who go into law, particularly human-rights law, do so with a vision of helping those who are fighting the system and have few powerful friends. Others hate being pressurised. And in many countries there are elements of the legal system that give sustenance to those who defend the independence of the judiciary as a vital principle.

Nelson Mandelas lawyer, Sir Sydney Kentridge QC, has made the point that judges recruited from an independent bar would never entirely lose their independence, even when the system pressurised them to do so.

He pointed out that South African lawyers who had defended black men accused of murder in front of all-white juries during the apartheid period were not easily going to lose their commitment to stand up against the powerful.

Sir Sydney did, however, also argue that in the absence of an entrenched bill of rights, the judiciary is a poor bulwark against a determined and immoderate governmentin a lecture printed in Free Country, a book of his speeches.

So it turned out that this was the right time to think about a special report on this theme of the value of independent justice, because in lots of countries this independence is under bombardment. 

Its not that judges and lawyers havent always come under pressure. In his book The Rule of Law, Lord Bingham, a former lord chief justice of England and Wales, mentions a relevant historical example. When Earl Warren, the US chief justice, was sitting on the now famous Brown v Board of Education case in 1954, he was invited to dinner with President Dwight Eisenhower. Eisenhower sat next to him at dinner and the lawyer for the segregationists sat on his other side. According to Warren, the president went to great lengths to promote the case for the segregationists, and to say what a great man their lawyer was. Despite this, Warren went on to give the important judgement in favour of Brown that meant that racial segregation in public schools became illegal.

Those in power have always tried to influence judges to lean the way they would prefer, but they should not have weapons to punish those who dont do so. 

In China, hundreds of lawyers who stood up to defend human-rights cases have been charged with the crime of subverting state powerand imprisoned. When the wife of one of the lawyers calls on others to support her husband, her cries go largely unheard because people are worried about the consequences.

This, as Karoline Kan writes on p23, is a country where the Chinese Communist Party has control of the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government, and where calls for political reform, or separation of powers, can be seen as threats to stability. 

As we go to press we are close to the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square killings, when thousands of protesters all over China, from all kinds of backgrounds, had felt passionately that their country was ready for change for democracy, transparency and separation of powers.

Unfortunately, that tide was turned back by Chinas government in 1989, and today we are, once more, seeing Chinas government tightening restrictions even further against those who dare to criticise them.

Last year, the Hungarian parliament passed a law allowing the creation of administrative courts to take cases involving taxation and election out of the main legal system (see p34). Critics saw this as eroding the gap between the executive and the justice system. But then, at the end of May 2019, there was a U-turn, and it was announced that the courts were no longer going ahead. It is believed that Fidesz, the governing party in Hungary, was under pressure from its grouping in the European Parliament, the European Peoples Party. 

If it were kicked out of the EPP, Hungary would have in all likelihood lost significant funding, and it is believed there was also pressure from the European Parliament to protect the rule of law in its member states. 

But while this was seen as a victory by some, others warned things could always reverse quickly.

Overall the world is fortunate to have many lawyers who feel strongly about freedom of expression, and the independence of any justice system.

Barrister Jonathan Price, of Doughty Street Chambers, in London, is part of the team advising the family of murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia over a case against the Maltese government for its failure to hold an independent inquiry into her death. 

He explained why the work of his colleagues was particularly important, saying: The law can be complex and expensive, and unfortunately the laws of defamation, privacy and data protection have become so complex that they are more or less inoperable in the hands of the untrained.

Specialist lawyers who were willing to take on cases had become a necessary part of the rule of law, he said a view shared by human-rights barrister David Mitchell, of Ely Place Chambers, in London.

The rule of law levels the playing field between the powerful and [the] powerless,he said. Its important that lawyers work to preserve this level.” 

Finally, another thought from Sir Sydney that is pertinent to how the journalists I mentioned at the beginning of this article keep going against the odds: It is not necessary to hope in order to work, and it is not necessary to succeed in order to hope in order to work, and it is not necessary to succeed in order to persevere.” 

But, of course, it helps if you can do all three.


Rachael Jolley is editor of Index on Censorship. She tweets @londoninsider. This article is part of the latest edition of Index on Censorship magazine, with its special report on local news

Index on Censorship’s spring 2019 issue is entitled Is this all the local news? What happens if local journalism no longer holds power to account?

Look out for the new edition in bookshops, and don’t miss our Index on Censorship podcast, with special guests, on Soundcloud.

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Index’s summer magazine launch party takes a look at the Weimar Republic and the lessons for today


“What is said and what is written is unbelievably important,” said Trevor Phillips, chairman of the board of Index on Censorship, at the close of the recent launch party for the Summer 2019 edition of Index Magazine.

The summer 2019 edition, Judged: How Governments Use Power to Undermine Justice and Freedom, looks at attempts to undermine freedom of expression through attacks on the judiciary. The magazine covers issues ranging from new laws in Venezuela intended to limit freedom of the press to instances of self-censorship due to government control of content-sharing platforms in China to new technology created by journalists to check back against threats from politicians regarding the coverage of recent elections in South Africa.

Rachael Jolley, editor of Index magazine, explained that the idea behind the theme came from conversations she had with journalists in Italy covering areas with limited press freedom and hostile environments for journalists. She said, “one of the things that [the journalists] said kept them going was that there were still lawyers who were willing to stand up with them and defend them when they were attacked, when they had libel suits against them, when all the things that happen to them mean that they end up having to stand before a judge.”

This inspired Jolley to curate the latest edition of the magazine around legal issues, to address the legal fight for free speech behind the work of journalists to liberate the media under repressive regimes.

The keynote speaker of the evening was German writer Regula Venske, whose article What Does Weimar Mean to us 100 Years On? was published in the issue. Venske spoke about the history and ultimate downfall of the Weimar Republic, which is now known for fraught democracy and the promotion of freedom of expression, though Venske spoke about how attempts to preserve free speech in the republic were often complicated or insufficient. She walked the audience through some of the influential writing and art produced before the republic’s fall to Nazism.

To conclude, Venske quoted Weimar-era author and poet Erich Kästner: “You cannot fight the avalanche once it has developed into an avalanche, you have to crush the snowball.”

Venske added: “I think that is quite a good saying for the times we are now living in, though unfortunately, he did not leave a recipe for how one could prevent this. I think we need to keep on working for it.”

Phillips, the last speaker of the evening, lamented the state of media freedom in the multiple countries where right-wing leaders have recently come to power. He mentioned specifically the rise of Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, two countries covered in the summer issue. “My time at Index has been marked not by the incredible march of progress but actually a reminder, pretty much every week, why what this organisation does is so important,” he said.

He applied Kästner’s quote to the work Index on Censorship continues to do around the globe. Like Kästner, he explained, Index works to warn the people before the snowballs represented by the arrest of a journalist or the censorship of an artwork become an avalanche of fascism.

“The avalanche starts long before you hear it,” Phillips concluded. “A large part of what we do is give the avalanche warning.”

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Subscribe”][vc_column_text]In print, online, in your mailbox, on your iPad.

Subscription options from £18 or just £1.49 in the App Store for a digital issue.

Every subscriber helps support Index on Censorship’s projects around the world.

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