North Korea executes man for information breach

A factory worker has been executed by firing squad in North Korea for divulging information to a friend in South Korea. The man, who has only been identified by his surname Chong, was accused of sharing the price of rice and other information on an illegal mobile phone with a defector. Seoul-based Open Radio for North Korea revealed that security officials raided the man’s house and found a Chinese-manufactured phone. North Korea does allow mobile devices to be used, but their range is limited to the capital Pyongyang. The country is notorious for its disregard of human rights and has no organised political opposition or a free media.

Blogger faces death penalty in Vietnam

Blogger and pro-democracy activist Nguyen Tien Trung is facing the death penalty after being charged with “trying to overthrow the  government” and is due to be tried at the end of the month. Trung was arrested in July on a charge of propaganda against the state which related to  blogs he had posted including an open letter to the government on education policy. According to his father he is now facing the more serious charge of “subverting the people’s administration”. His supporters believe the charges are intended to intimidate  students who are calling for more press freedom. Read more here

Liberty in Britain, Death in the USA

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