Tensions rise between Ecuadorian President and free expression watchdog

Tension has been escalating between the Organisation of American States’ Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. Special Rapporteur Catalina Botero has turned a watchful eye towards Ecuador, criticising President Correa’s attacks on the news media. Botero’s office has now come under fire, after President Correa and President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela dismissed criticism from Botero’s office, claiming that the office is too harsh with governments of nations such as Ecuador.

The OAS will now meet on 25 January to consider a Chavez-Correa proposal to review the freedom of expression office and limit its jurisdiction.

The office, which was created in 1997 but under Botero, a respected Columbian jurist, it has worked hard to protect journalists under threat in Latin America. Its hard line on human rights violations has even earned it funding from the European Union and other Latin American countries.

Botero’s work has earned the wrath of both Chavez and Correa. Correa recently attacked the OAS for allegedly being under U.S. control at the inaugural meeting for the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States early last month. Both nations have faced criticism from the organisation for restrictions on free expression. Chavez closed down a number of radio stations and television channels for critical reports. Correa sued the daily El Universo of Guayaquil for critical editorials. The daily, the largest in Ecuador, now faces fear of collapse because of financial strain from legal proceedings for former editor Emilio Pacheco, who fled to the United States after Correa charged him with treason. The charge is now being appealed.

The thinly-veiled attack on the Rapporteur’s office seeks to utilise administrative controls to prevent it from publishing independent annual reports and forbid independent fundraising from sources apart from the OAS. The decision has been condemned by the Human Rights Watch office responsible for the region.

While the proposed changes even include a code of conduct that could silence the rapporteur, reactions to the proposed changes have been tepid.


Ecuador: Twitter user receives warning from government official

A government official in Ecuador has issued a public warning against a Twitter user following posts on the micro-blogging site. Betty Escobar, an Ecuadorian citizen who lives in the United States was warned by Fernando Cordero, the President of the National Assembly, to “change her language or she would soon regret her licentiousness.” The warning followed a critical tweet from Escobar to the official which said “you are incompetent, you fail to comply with the law and you support the dictatorship! you and correa should go to prison for corruption! double standards. “

Ecuador: President Correa goes after El Universo again

Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa has threatened to bring charges against the newspaper El Universo after publishing a letter critical of the Correa’s negative comments about María Leonor Jiménes, the Guaya Court of Justice president, on a radio program. The letter was written by legislator Cynthia Viteri, daughter of Jiménes, and in it she called the president “an ignorant coward, hypocrite and a bully”. Correa tweeted that “newspapers should not publish insults.” Earlier this year, Correa won a libel suit against El Universo, after a columnist criticised the president. The newspaper was handed a $40 million fine and prison sentences for the owner and the columnist.







Ecuador: court upholds libel verdict against news executives

An appeals court in Ecuador has upheld libel convictions and prison sentences for three newspaper directors and a former writer. El Universo newspaper published a column by Emilio Palacio that called President Rafael Correa a dictator. Fines of $42 million were also upheld by the judges against the executives of the newspaper.  President Correa attended Tuesday’s court hearing and said that the ruling meant Ecuador has begun to free itself of a corrupt press. The defendants are free pending appeal. The Committee to Protect Journalists have called the decision a “blow to freedom of expression.”