Ceausescu’s son seeks to ban play on the former Romanian dictator

Valentin Ceausescu is seeking to ban a play on the trail and execution of the former dictator. “The Last Hours of Ceausescu“, written by Milo Rau, depicts the 1989 trial and execution of former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife. Valentin’s lawyer said that the plaintiff is seeking to prevent his parents’ names being ridiculed. Valentin registered the “Ceausescu” trademark two years ago, meaning the name could no longer be used for commercial purposes without his consent.

Belarusians forced to show ID before using internet cafes

Web users will be forced to show their passports or other ID before using Belaruse’s internet cafes from July 1. President Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s decree also requires ISPs to store data on individuals’ web usage for a year and to hand that information over to law enforcement agencies upon request. Lutz Guellner, spokesman for European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, condemned the decree for further restricting free expression in Belarus.