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Parliament Square peace campaigner, Brian Haw, died of lung cancer at the weekend while receiving treatment for the disease in Germany. Haw began his round-the-clock protest opposite the Houses of Parliament on 2 June 2001 and faced numerous attempts to force him from his post. Earlier this year the Greater London Authority evicted Haw and his supporters from the grass area outside the Houses of Parliament, forcing them on to the footpath. Haw’s followers have vowed to continue his work and have paid their respects on his website.
This is a cross post from Guido Fawkes
It is not often that Guido is invited to speak to an audience of Communists, so the invitation to speak to twenty or so visiting Chinese Communist Party propagandists and Information Ministry officials was hard to resist. The audience at the seminar included security officials, it would be fair to say that this was not a home crowd. Almost as bad as a Goldsmith’s Media Studies audience, but not as left-wing. (more…)
Have you ever been grossly insulted on national radio?
I have. In July last year, I took part in a debate on BBC Radio FiveLive, on the topic of British National Party leader Nick Griffin’s invitation to Queen Elizabeth’s garden party. I was set up in opposition (as these things go) with journalist James MacIntyre, then of the New Statesman, now at Prospect magazine (more of which here). (more…)
Chinese authorities evicted Zeng Jinyan, the wife of imprisoned AIDs and free speech activist Hu Jia, from her home in Shenzhen today. Zeng is also a human rights activist and keeps a blog and twitter account. Authorities are now warning Zeng that she and her husband may be put under house arrest upon his release on 26 June.