US “skank” blogger to sue Google

Rosemary Port,  the women behind the blog “Skanks in NYC,” has said she will sue Google for $15 million for breaching its “duty to protect her expectation of anonymity.” Port was named as a result of a court case brought by the Canadian-born model Liskula Cohen, who was angry over being insulted on the site.  Read more here

Google not liable for defamation

Google is not liable for defamatory comments that appear in news articles, blogs and forums displayed in its search results, a high court judge in London has concluded in a landmark ruling for UK defamation law. Mr Justice Eady ruled in a judgment in the high court that Google was a “facilitator” and not a publisher of the content. Read more here

China web censorship controversy continues

China has confirmed it will continue with plans to force every computer in the country to run controversial filtering program Green Dam. The move follows news that Google have agreed to filter search results in China to screen out pornographic or explicit material. In a Twitter posting, prominent blogger Ai Weiwei appealed for an Internet boycott on the softwares launch in July, the same day of the anniversary to mark founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Read more here

Google executives face trial in Italy

The Italian trial of four Google executives accused of defamation for allowing a video to be posted online showing an autistic youth being abused, will begin today. They deny all charges  and say the case is  “a direct attack on a free and open internet”. Read more here