Changes to Hungarian media law adopted

The agreed changes to Hungary’s controversial media law were adopted on Monday.  These alterations were welcomed by the Hungarian media, but have been subsequently dismissed as merely “cosmetic” by critics. Several of the more controversial provisions have been changed, for example the “balanced reporting” requirement, which no longer applies to blogs. No changes have been made to the Media Council, created in December 2010.

Hungarian police shut down anti-government news portal

Budapest police have suspended the news portal It is edited by journalist Arpad Molnar F., whose stated aim is to “expose state corruption”. The authorities claim that Molnar F. had committed the criminal offence of  “displaying banned symbols of tyranny”. Accordingly, the police compelled the web operator to close the portal.

Hungary’s leading daily newspaper challenges media law

Hungary’s largest circulation daily newspaper, Nepszabadsag, is challenging the controversial new media law in the country’s Constitutional Court. The newspaper’s editor-in-chief has brought complaints about 16 areas of the law which, the paper alleges, limit press freedom and freedom of opinion. The new regulations, introduced on 21 December 2010, allow the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) to impose substantial fines on TV and radio stations. Freedom House has described the legislation as a “major setback for press freedom in Hungary“.