India: Arundhati Roy may face sedition charge

Booker prize-winner and human rights activist Arundhati Roy faces possible arrest following her remarks that Kashmir is not an integral part of India. India’s home ministry has told police in Delhi that a case of sedition may be registered against Roy and Kashmiri separatist Syed Ali Shah Geelani. In a statement that Roy released in response to the increasing movement against her she was unrepentant. This follows last week’s arrest of another Kashmiri separatist leader for allegedly organising anti–India protests.

Kashmir: 18 die in worst episode of protesting

Anti-India and pro-Islam demonstrations in the Indian-adminstrated region of Kashmir, Srinagar escalated yesterday as 18 people died, many under police firing. Demonstrators had reportedly set fire to a Christian missionary school and government and police buildings as a reaction to recent reports that copies of the Qu’ran had been damaged in New York.

Journalists have been restricted from covering the news in Srinagar despite passes issued by the government. Sheikh Imran, a local reporter said troops beat him for being out past the curfew, even though he had a pass.  

Kashmir has witnessed deadly clashes in the last three months, after a 17-year old boy died from a tear gas shell hurled by the police.

Terrorists call for TV ban in Kashmir

The Lashkar-e-Taiba has enforced a new diktat in parts of Jammu and Kashmir to forbid watching television. The Lashkar terrorists operating in Banihal heights have imposed a ban on watching TV, terming it an “unislamic” activity. There has been a spate of reports of villagers being assaulted and beaten. Read more here