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As four men go on trial in Denmark accused of planning an attack against newspaper Jyllands-Posten, Kenan Malik argues that since the Danish cartoon controversy free expression is now seen as an enemy of liberty
The artist who proposed an “Everybody Draw Muhammed Day” has gone into hiding on the advice of the FBI. Molly Norris was advised to move, change her name, and wipe away her identity, according to Seattle Weekly editor-in-chief Mark D. Fefer. Norris was put on an execution hitlist by Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in July. The cartoon led to a separate Facebook campaign, which resulted in the site being blocked in Pakistan.
Following criticism from Muslim groups, the Mail & Guardian newspaper has apologised for publishing a satirical cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed, and have agreed to refrain from publishing images of him in the future.. The cartoon, by resident illustrator Zapiro, sparked fierce debate and anger when it was published as part of the Facebook-organised Draw Mohammed Day on May 20. The newspaper’s apology comes after a meeting between editorial staff and the United Muslim Forum of South Africa.
Danish police today arrested three people allegedly plotting to murder cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.