Offices of Nigerian dailies bombed

The offices of daily newspapers in the Nigerian cities of Abuja and Kaduna were bombed on 26 April. In a statement issued yesterday, Nigeria’s State Security Services said that a total of five persons were killed in the blasts, including the suicide bomber responsible for the bombing in Abuja. The attacks are said to bear the hallmarks of the actions of Islamist group Boko Haram.

Nigeria: Gunmen kill cameraman

A cameraman has been shot and killed at the home of a couple whose wedding he was filming in Nigeria. Chuks Ogu, who had worked for privately-owned Independent Television, was shot on Saturday (14 April) when gunmen, believed to be hired assassins, stormed into the house of the newly-weds and opened fire. The motive for the attack is unclear, as nothing was stolen from the couple. It is also unclear whether Ogu was the actual target of the attack, as preliminary police reports suggest this was a case of mistaken identity. Ogu is the third journalist to be killed in Nigeria this year.

Nigeria: Magistrate orders assault and arrest of journalists

A Nigerian magistrate ordered the arrest and detention of around 10 journalists on 4 April. A group of reporters who were covering the verdict from a coroner’s inquest were arrested after a woman, believed to be a prosecutor or a social worker, ordered journalists to leave the premises. The journalists attempted to explain why they were there to the woman, but arguments ensued. During the arguments, Magistrate Oshoniyi ordered the immediate arrests of the journalists. Following their arrest, the journalists were assaulted, beaten and harassed by police.

Nigeria: Journalist arrested, faces libel suit over football stories

A journalist in Nigeria has been arrested and is facing a libel lawsuit over stories detailing alleged corruption in the Nigerian Football Federation.

Olajide Fashikun, editor of the National Accord newspaper, was arrested last Wednesday following a series of news articles, in which he claimed a letter from FIFA president Sepp Blatter to Aminu Maigari on his election as head of the Nigerian Football Federation, had a forged signature.

Following the arrest, the offices of National Accord newspaper were ransacked, and the journalist’s laptop and hard drive were seized.