China: Olympics media restricted

Journalist John Ray of ITV and Guardian photographer Dan Chung have both reported being ‘manhandled’ by the Chinese police while covering a pro-Tibet protest in Beijing. Ray was also detained by police who claimed to have mistaken him for an activist, despite his having shown identification which proved otherwise. Seven activists present at the protest were also detained, including six Americans and a Japanese citizen of Tibetan descent.

Countdown to Beijing, part 4

Continuing our series of articles from Index on Censorship’s ‘Made In China’ issue, Internet pioneer Isaac Mao explains why freedom of thought is what China needs most.

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Chinese man sentenced to ‘re-education’ for quake photos

Liu Shaokun, a school employee, has been sentenced to a year of ‘re-education under labour’ after posting pictures of schools that collapsed in May’s Sichuan earthquake on the web. Chinese people were forbidden from taking pictures of the devastation, as they raised questions about planning and building.

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Countdown to Beijing, part 3

Continuing our series of articles from Index on Censorship‘s ‘Made In China’ issue, Rebecca MacKinnon discusses how online pioneers are changing Chinese culture

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