Japan to tighten censorships laws on Manga cartoons

An amendment to youth welfare legislation set to go before the Tokyo Metropolitan General Assembly today could potentially ban all provocative visual depictions of “nonexistent minors”. The action is part of an attempt to crackdown on child pornography, but Japanese Manga artists and the online community have criticised lawmakers actions. They claim that such terms are open to interpretation, and would infringe on their freedom of expression.

China: 5000 arrested for internet pornography

China arrested more than 5000 people in a crackdown on internet pornography in 2009, officials said yesterday vowing tougher online policing in the new year as a key element of “state security”. Officials did not say how many people had subsequently been put on trial. Authorities in December offered rewards of up to US$ 1465 to Internet users who report websites that feature pornography. Read more here

Bahrain: government orders over 1,000 websites blocked

On 23 September, the government has announced plans to block 1040 websites, referring to a resolution which states that all telecommunications companies and internet service providers “shall block pornographic websites”. Many of the websites to be blocked, however, are those of the opposition, religious groups and human rights organisations.
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Zambian journalists charged with “contempt of court”

Editor-in-chief, Fred M’membe and the entire editorial staff of Zambia’s The Post have been summoned to appear in the dock after they published an article critical of the “pornography” charges brought against their colleague, news-editor Chansa Kabwela. Local magistrate, Charles Kafunda has charged the group with contempt of court and ordered that they appear before him on Wednesday.

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