Zambian journalist tried over “pornographic” images

Chansa Kabwela, Editor of Zambia’s largest newspaper, the Post, is on trial over supposed distribution of “pornographic” images. Kabwela sent two images of women giving birth on hospital grounds without medical assistance to Zambian vice-president, George Kunda. Kabwela was hoping to highlight the negative consequences of a recent nurses strike, however, her supporters believe that the current charges may be politically motivated as the Post has in the past exposed a great deal of government corruption.
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Ukraine bans pornography

On 30 June, the Ukranian president Viktor Yushchenko, approved a law to make the possession of pornography a criminal offence. Punishment will include a fine and imprisonment of up to three years. The law has one loophole, specifying that pornography can be used for “medical reasons”.
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China web censorship controversy continues

China has confirmed it will continue with plans to force every computer in the country to run controversial filtering program Green Dam. The move follows news that Google have agreed to filter search results in China to screen out pornographic or explicit material. In a Twitter posting, prominent blogger Ai Weiwei appealed for an Internet boycott on the softwares launch in July, the same day of the anniversary to mark founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Read more here

FBI tried to stop Deep Throat porn film

New documents reveal that the FBI worked desperately to block the landmark 1972 pornographic film Deep Throat in a vain attempt to curb the spread of permissive thinking in the US, according to newly-released files containing 4,800 pages of information. Read more here