Germany: Journalists threatened by Salafist group

A radical Muslim group released a video threatening a number of German journalists last week. The Salafist group named journalists from newspapers Frankfurter Rundschau and Tagesspiegel in the video uploaded to YouTube on Thursday (12 April). The recording showed  photographs of the journalists, detailed private information and threatened to reveal more if the media continued to publish “lies” about Frankfurt Salafist group DawaFFM. The group refers to itself as “The True Religion”, it has been widely criticised by press and politicians for its aim to have a copy of the Koran in “every household in Germany, Austria and Switzerland”,

Nigeria: Gunmen kill cameraman

A cameraman has been shot and killed at the home of a couple whose wedding he was filming in Nigeria. Chuks Ogu, who had worked for privately-owned Independent Television, was shot on Saturday (14 April) when gunmen, believed to be hired assassins, stormed into the house of the newly-weds and opened fire. The motive for the attack is unclear, as nothing was stolen from the couple. It is also unclear whether Ogu was the actual target of the attack, as preliminary police reports suggest this was a case of mistaken identity. Ogu is the third journalist to be killed in Nigeria this year.

Brazil: Police officer killed while investigating journalist’s murder

A police officer investigating a journalist’s murder was shot dead on Saturday by two men on a motorcycle in Ponta Porã on the Brazil-Paraguay border. Paulo César Santos Magalhães, who was part of a special unit fighting organised crime, was leading the investigation into the death of journalist Paulo Rocaro, also shot dead by two gunmen on a motorcycle in February. Magalhães stopped at traffic lights before being shot 13 times. Four other Brazilian journalists besides Rocaro have been murdered this year. Investigations into their deaths are ongoing.