United States: More than 100 protesters arrested

Around 30 demonstrators were arrested at a protest demanding the release of Private Bradley Manning on Sunday. The demonstration was held at the Quantico marine base in Virginia, where Manning is being held in solitary confinement.

Another US protest held this weekend resulted in the arrest of 113 anti-war activists. The man who leaked the Pentagon Papers was among those detained. They were protesting near the White House to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the Iraq war. Police made the arrests after warning activists to stop marching round the White House.

Protesters in Istanbul demand journalists’ release

Thousands of people gathered in the centre of Istanbul on Sunday to protest against the imprisonment of journalists Ahmet Sik and Nedim Sener. The reporters were detained as part of an official crackdown over the alleged Ergenekon plot.  The demonstration was organised by the Freedom for Journalists platform (GÖP) to highlight the abuse of press freedom in Turkey. They are also campaigning for changes to national laws, in particular the Turkish Criminal Law.

Azerbaijani police detain opposition protesters

Fifty protesters were arrested whilst taking part in anti-government demonstrations in central Baku on Saturday. The protests in Fountain Square attracted 200 members of the opposition Musavat party, but they were soon dispersed by the police. The detained protesters were taken away in police buses; some were released shortly afterwards. The interior ministry has claimed that the police had detained 50 citizens but released 30. This figure has been contested by Amnesty International, which claims that at least 100 opposition members were detained and protesters punched and kicked by officials.