The new free expression debates

On the morning of Monday 12 October, Index on Censorship will be teaming up with Policy Exchange and Google to discuss free expression and the Internet. Later that day, Liberty and Index on Censorship will stage Protest! an exciting event encouraging students to exercise their right to free speech, with special guest Sir Hugh Orde, head of the Association of Chief Police Officers

Why, people might sensibly ask, is Index on Censorship engaging with one of the world’s leading technology corporations and one of Britain’s top police chiefs? The answer is because we no longer see free expression only through the traditional prism of outright state censorship of or violence against writers and journalists.

Guinea: protesters killed

Dozens of protesters were shot dead in a crowded football stadium by Guinean security forces at a demonstration against the country’s military leader Captain Moussa “Dadis” Camara on 28 September. As many as 58 people had been brought in to the Conakry morgue on Monday, according to a doctor who wished to remain anonymous.
Read more here

PROTEST! Talking about your right to speak out


Take action and be part of the next generation of protest!

Protest has been vital in securing many of the rights and freedoms we enjoy today and it has the power to change the course of history. It has been used to create democracies and demand fair and equal treatment.

Join Index on Censorship and Liberty for an afternoon of debate and discussion about how we can use peaceful protest today to achieve positive change. Hear from experienced campaigners, and learn more about your right to protest.

Shami Chakrabarti – Director of Liberty
John Kampfner – CEO Index on Censorship
Peter Tatchell – Human rights campaigner
Matthew Ryder – Leading barrister in police law and human rights
Eduardo Gill-Pedro – Protest legal rights advisor

Bibi Van Der Zee – Journalist and Campaigner (Chair)
Richard GeorgePlane Stupid
Juliane HeiderStop Deportation Network
Lowkey – Rapper / Poet / Political Activist
Nizam UddinUniversity of London Union President


Monday, 12 October 2000
14:00 – 18:00
London Southbank University, The Keyworth Centre

Climate Camp criticised

Photojournalist Marc Vallée has been criticising Climate Camp’s handling saying on his blog he was forced to wear a “media badge”, and that his request for a copy of the code of conduct for journalists was refused. He argued that the camp’s policy towards journalists was comparable to the police using anti-terrorism laws to harass journalists. Read more here