Politkovskaya family to appeal again

Anna Politkovskaya’s family is to appeal against a judge’s rejection of its request for the case against three alleged accomplices to be sent back to the prosecutor’s office for further investigation in conjunction with the investigation into all other people suspected of a role in her murder. The family’s request for a postponement for the purposes of combined further investigation was backed by both defence lawyers and prosecutors. Read more here

Rights activist harrassed in Chechnya

Akhmed Gisayev, a Memorial employee who had been working with Natalia Estemirova to investigate a sensitive human rights case in the days before her murder in July has experienced a series of menacing events in the past days and weeks. Gisayev, who lives in the Chechen capital, Gronzy, has reported being stopped by armed men in the street, having his flat searched and being under constant surveillance by security services. Read more here

Russian editor quits over death threats

Rosa Malsagova, editor-in-chief of the website Ingushetiya.org , has decided to leave her post because of “threats made to her by militants”. This followed an item entitled “Mujahedeen Address to Rosa Malsagova,” which was recently published on a militant site. Malsagova earlier asked for political asylum in France. The site will continue working until her replacement is appointed. Read more here

Novaya Gazeta pulls journalists from Chechnya

In Russia, opposition daily Novaya Gazeta has announced that due to increasing dangers they will pull all their staff from Chechnya after a a string of killings there on human rights activists and journalists. In October 2006, the same paper’s investigative reporter Anna Politkovskaya, known for her scathing criticism of pro-Moscow Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov and the Kremlin, was shot dead. Read more here