Russia: Putin opponent Aleksei Navalny banned from the internet


Alexei Navalny addresses a rally (Image: Roma Yandolin/Demotix)

Russian anti-corruption activist and regime critic Aleksei Navalny has been placed under house arrest for two months, against the backdrop of an ongoing investigation against him and his brother for money laundering and embezzlement. He has also been banned from using the internet and talking to the media.

A Moscow court made the ruling following a request from the Russian Investigative Committee, on the basis that Navalny had violated a travel ban by leaving Moscow. Earlier this week, he was sentenced to 7 days in jail for “disobeying police during an unsanctioned public” after taking part in a rally on 24 January day before. He is also currently serving a five-year suspended sentence for theft of 16 million roubles, charges he has insisted are politically motivated.

“I believe the new measures are based on trumped up grounds in order to restrict my political activities,” Navalny said during his hearing.

This article was posted on February 28, 2014 at

Four parts of Sochi 2014 the Russians didn’t want their citizens to see

1. The fifth ring malfunction

(Image: Jaroslav Francisko/Demotix)

(Image: Jaroslav Francisko/Demotix)

The lighting rig which proudly illuminated one less Olympic ring than it should have caused considerable embarrassment for the Russian organisers of the opening ceremony, as Sochi 2014 opened its gates to the athletes. Known as the “stubborn snowflake” Russian viewers at home were greeted with footage from the Opening Ceremony rehearsal, so they were none the wiser. The Russians later showed their funny side by  only featuring four rings in the Closing Ceremony performance.

2. Pussy Riot getting whipped in the face

(Image: Sky News/YouTube)

(Image: Sky News/YouTube)

While pre-emptive arrests meant many activists were unable to protest at all, five members of the punk group Pussy Riot and their cameraman were attacked by Cossack security patrols as they performed under a sign advertising the Winter Olympics.

Footage showed Cossack security staff whipping band members, pulling off their ski masks, and throwing them to the ground.

Russian deputy prime minister Dmitry Kozak dismissed the attacks: “The girls came here specifically to provoke this conflict,” he explained. “They had been searching for it for some time and finally they had this conflict with local inhabitants.”

While the international media covered the face-whipping incident in fairly minute detail, Russian press clippings about the arrest are hard to come by. Pussy Riot’s previous stunt in Moscow’s main cathedral, which landed them with a jail sentences and heavy fines, have already been scrubbed from the internet.

3. Justin Kripps’ website

(Image: @justinkripps/Twitter)

(Image: @justinkripps/Twitter)

Russian fans hoping to keep updated by the Canadian bobsleigher’s website were disappointed, as Russian censorship authorities blocked access to it. It’s still unclear why, but it may be linked to a risque photo Kripps tweeted a month prior to the Games. The snap featured his burly four-man bobsled team in their underwear at a weigh in. The photo went viral,  in particular within the gay community.

4. Almost every story about corruption, gay-bashing, forcible evictions and the environment

(Image: Heather Blockey/Demotix)

(Image: Heather Blockey/Demotix)

While the run-up to Sochi might have been dominated by negative stories in the Western media, with tales of  homophobia,  corruption and environmental destruction, local journalists had to be a lot more cautious when reporting the “true” face of Sochi. Strict surveillance measures were imposed on all journalists’ emails, social media and internet use – to keep any negative stories from breaking.

“It seems to me that some of these surveillance measures were conscientiously made public … to send a message,” commented investigative journalist and security services expert Andrei Soldatov while at the Games.

Self-censorship, he says, has become a “big problem” among local reporters and investigative journalists – who often felt scared to report on the wider political context of Putin’s games. “There are some fears that Sochi was a test ground … these kind of measures may be made commonplace in other parts of Russia,” he added.

BONUS: And…Russians accuse US of censorship and malicious media bias

(Image: Screenshot/Billboard)

(Image: Screenshot)

Censorship during NBC’s coverage of the Opening Ceremony included missing out a live performance by girlband t.A.T.u, omitting a Russian police choir performing Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky,” deleting Communist-themed vignettes, and failing to air a congratulatory speech by IOC chief Thomas Bach, praising the Russians. Russian media whooped with glee when the hashtag #NBCFail started trending on Twitter in response to the censorship.

American magazine The Nation published  a rare honest analysis of the American media’s vitriol against Russia, noting that even before the Games began, the Washington Times had written off the venues as a “Soviet-style dystopia” and warned in a headline, “TERRORISM AND TENSION, NOT SPORTS AND JOY.”

Provocative BuzzFeed headlines like “Photographic Proof That Sochi Is A Godforsaken Hellscape Right Now” and the Twitter account @SochiProblems, provoked outrage in Russia. One Russian netizen took such offence with @SochiProblems that he travelled to London and created his own photo tour of the city “in Sochi style”. “The Other Side of London, where the guided tours don’t go” is a depressing trip through some of London’s worst outer districts. The results (translated from Russian) make for sombre viewing, tinged with humour.

The infamous double toilet in Sochi also has a doppelganger in London, as one Russian Instagram user, living in the capital, proved. The side-by-side facilities, identical to the toilets which athletes had endlessly mocked in the Olympic village, were installed in a typical upmarket hipster cocktail bar.

This article was posted on 25 February 2014 at

Drawing the Line: “promoting” same-sex relationships?

Homosexuality and LGBT rights have made headlines across the globe during the Sochi Winter Olympics, following Russia’s introduction this summer of laws banning “gay propaganda”.

Index invited Brian Pellot, Director of Global Strategy and Religious Freedom Editor at Religion News Service, and Joel Bedos, International Coordinator for International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO), to join us for our first ever Drawing the Line Google Hangout, to debate  young people’s views on same-sex relationships.

Watch the discussion below and have your say in the comments, or get in touch on Twitter @IndexCensorship using the hashtag #LoveandFEX

This article was published on 18 February 2014 at

Who are Putin’s Olympic guests?

(Image: /Demotix)

(Image: Gonçalo Silva/Demotix)

The Sochi Winter Olympics opening ceremony is taking place today, and organisers have declared that a record 65 world leaders are attending. But numbers alone don’t tell the whole story. As it turns out, some of the biggest names in global politics will not be in the stands cheer on their athletes as the games are officially kick off. Indeed, quite a few won’t be taking the trip to Sochi at all. Barack Obama is sending a delegation including openly gay figure skater Brian Boitano in his place, and Angela Merkel, David Cameron and Francois Hollande are also staying away.

But while the International Olympic Committee’s Thomas Bach was less than impressed by the apparent boycott, labelling it an “ostentatious gesture” that “costs nothing but makes international headlines”, the absence of the big guns does give the lesser-known world leaders a chance to shine. Not all guests have been confirmed, but we’ve got the low-down on some of the the leaders the cameras might pan to during today’s festivities, or who could be spotted in the slopes over the coming weeks.

Alexander Lukashenko

(Image: Ivan Uralsky/Demotix)

(Image: Ivan Uralsky/Demotix)

Putin’s long time colleague and fellow ice hockey enthusiast surely wouldn’t miss the Winter Olympics for the world. The Belarusian president is known as “the last dictator in Europe”, his near 20 years in power having passed without a single free and fair election. Under his leadership, peaceful protests have been violently dispersed, and civil society activists and political opposition — including rival candidates from the 2010 presidential elections — have been jailed. A brand new report from Index also concludes that: “Belarus continues to have one of the most restrictive and hostile media environments in Europe.”

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Photo: Philip Janek / Demotix)

(Image: Philip Janek / Demotix)

The Turkish president made global headlines last summer, over his regime’s violent crackdown on the peaceful Gezi park demonstrations. Rather than accepting the protests were a manifestation of genuine grievances by his people, he blamed “foreign hands” and their “domestic collaborators” like many a less-than-democratic leader before him. His government was recently implicated in a big corruption scandal, and only yesterday, parliament approved controversial amendments to the country’s internet law. The new law, opposed by civil society, the opposition and international organisations alike, gives the government wide-reaching powers over the internet, effectively allowing them to block websites without court rulings, and gives them access to user data.


Viktor Yanukovych

(Image: Oleksandr Nazarov/Demotix)

(Image: Oleksandr Nazarov/Demotix)

The Ukrainian president’s failure to sign a treaty securing closer ties with the EU in November, sparked the country’s ongoing Euromaidan protests. The authorities response was heavy handed — police clashed with demonstrators and journalist were targeted, leading to international condemnation. They authorities even briefly implemented a highly repressive new law, among other things allowing security services to monitor the internet, and defining NGOs receiving funding from abroad as “foreign agents”. The law was, however, scrapped only days later following outrage from civil society. Meanwhile,Ukraine’s Prime Minister and government also stepped down, while Yanukovych took four days off ill. He’s back in the office now — just in time head to Sochi for a much-hyped meeting with Putin.

Nursultan Nazarbayev

(Image: Vladimir Tretyakov/Demotix)

(Image: Vladimir Tretyakov/Demotix)

Kazakhstan’s president has been in power since 1991, and during that time, allegations of human rights abuses, including attacks on demonstrators and independent media, as well as widespread corruption have been regularly levelled at him. In 2012, following clashed between the police and striking workers, the president, who already effectively controls the legislature and the judiciary, further extended his emergency powers. But Putin wouldn’t even be his only high-flying friend. In September, Kanye West performed at his grandson’s wedding. The reported price tag? $3 million. Did I mention the accusations of corruption? Meanwhile, former British prime minister Tony Blair spent two years advising Nazarbayev and his government on democracy and good governance — a deal which “produced no change for the better or advance of democratic rights in the authoritarian nation”.

Emomali Rahmon

(Image: Riccardo Valsecchi/Demotix)

(Image: Riccardo Valsecchi/Demotix)

He has been the head of the government of Tajikistan since 1992, and was in power during the country’s civil war, where 100,000 people lost their lives. Allegations of human rights abuses, including torture by security forces and arbitrary arrests, are widespread. Much of the media is state-controlled, and independent journalists face violence and intimidation. “Publicly insulting the president” can see you jailed for as long as five years. Recently, a prominent member of the opposition, Zaid Saidov, was sentenced to 26 years in prison following what has been described as a “politically motivated trial”. In Sochi, he is set to meet with not only Putin, but also Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

This article was posted on February 7 2014 at