Anti-Putin protesters join hands to ring Moscow

More than 30,000 people encircled Moscow in a human chain along Sadovoe Kolco, a 10-mile long road surrounding the city yesterday.

Protesters were calling for fair elections and for the ousting of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Demotix:  MARIA PLESHKOVAArguably, the biggest surprise of the protest was its participants. What was once referred to as a “hipster-revolution” has become a broader movement. Yesterday’s human chain united people across social class, age, gender and even political creed. There were hard-core leftists but also liberals and disillusioned former Putinistas. There were mothers and fathers with their children (and dogs, too). There were, of course, youngsters – but also many, many elderly people as well.

Kaya Ivanovna, a 80-year-old former librarian found out about the protests from the radio. “There are many more prohibitions, and all the interesting TV programmes that made us reflect and discuss were shut down. I want real change”.

The unusual protest started at 2pm and continued for a couple of hours under the abundant snow covering the capital. Moscow, a usually grey and unwelcoming city, yesterday displayed a ten-mile-long smile.

The only note of unrest in an otherwise peaceful demonstration was the impromptu action organised by the opposition party Left Front in Revolution Square. The unauthorised protest triggered scuffles with the police and the ultra-nationalist group Nashi.

Index was there and filmed the Left Front’s leader Sergei Udaltsov’s statement before the clashes and arrests started. “We are here to celebrate our own Maslennitsa [the Russian spring feast celebrated yesterday]”, he said. “We want to get rid of the political winter, and we want a new political spring to come to Russia starting from today”.

Meanwhile, thousands of Russians are preparing to serve as election observers for the elections to be held on 4 March. Referring to the huge number of registrations the daily newspaper Vedomosti referenced  “A country of observers”.

The next protest action is planned for election day 4 March but many believe that 5 March will be the day when the movement “for fair elections” will see its biggest demonstration yet.

Tena Prelec is a freelance writer and consultant at the ESOP Centre, London.

Russia: Expelled French journalist allowed to return

Russia’s head of Federal Migration has said that the decision to expel prominent French journalist and author Anne Nivat earlier this week was “groundlessly harsh”, and that she will be allowed to return. Nivat was expelled from the country on 13 February for alleged violation of her visa status. The journalist believed the move to be politically motivated, with authorities expressing their disliking that she had met with opposition politicians as part of her research for a book on Russia’s current political climate.

Russia: French journalist expelled for interviewing opposition

Prominent French journalist and author Anne Nivat was expelled from Russia yesterday (13 February) for alleged violation of her visa status. Nivat has said she believes the move to be politically motivated, with authorities expressing their disliking that Nivat had met with opposition politicians. Nivat, who was conducting interviews for a new book on Russia’s current political climate, has said authorities cancelled her visa and gave her three days to leave the country.

Anti-Putin protests: UK protesters demand fair elections in Russia

On Saturday February 4 protesters calling for fair elections in Russia hit the streets worldwide.

The protests took place exactly one month before the presidential election, which is likely to return prime minister Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin’s highest post. Protest organisers estimated that 120,000 people took part in Moscow, it was the biggest demonstration to date triggered by suspicions of vote-rigging surrounding the December 4 parliamentary elections.

In London around 100 people attended a demonstration organised by the NGO Speak Louder! together with the Committee for Free Elections in Russia.  At around 3pm, a letter was handed into No. 10 passed to prime minister David Cameron. The protesters asked the British government to monitor next month’s elections very closely:

On behalf of Russians living in the United Kingdom, and on behalf of all the citizens of this country who cherish freedom and democratic rights, we ask you to pay constant attention to the forthcoming presidential elections in Russia. Unfortunately, these elections will most probably not be democratic and fair, as the trend shows.

“Russia without Putin” proved to be the most popular slogan at the demonstration, and a variety of creative posters were on display. Many joked about Putin’s attitude towards the white ribbons used by protesters to symbolise freedom — Putin compared them to condoms, and posters carried slogans such as “Put-in – preservatives with governmental flavour” and “Grandpa with a condom tattoo”.

Tamara, a Russian businesswoman and mother of two, says: “I think that Russia needs to make its own path to democracy. It is a very specific, very large country, and I don’t know how long will it take. But we need to start from somewhere, and what is finally happening in these months is a very important start”.

Finnish human rights activist Lauri Vuoriluoto came all the way from Cardiff to join the demonstration. “I am here because I believe that what happens in Russia is of big interest for all of us. As a Finnish citizen, these developments touch me deeply because of the proximity of my country to Russia, and because of the deep economic ties between the two countries. I am probably the only one here who does not speak a word of Russian, but I will learn by next time.”

Political artist Kaya Mar took part in the protest as well. He carried his latest work, a painting portraying Putin and Medvedev, naked, as they play on a seesaw.

“The bear in the middle symbolises Russia, with eyes and mouth shut because its fundamental freedoms have been breached,” he explained. “My subjects are always naked because this way you can catch people’s heart better — taking off their clothes you take off their power as well, and they are revealed the way they are – as human beings.”

Organisers announced that the next London protest action will take place on February 26.

Tena Prelec is a freelance writer and consultant at the ESOP Centre, London.