Malaysia: Saudi journalist Hamza Kashgari deported

Malaysian authorities have deported a Saudi journalist accused of insulting the prophet Mohammed on Twitter, it was reported today. Newspaper columnist Hamza Kashgari fled Saudi Arabia after tweeting a mock conversation between himself and the prophet Mohammed last week that sparked thousands of responses, including death threats. He was arrested and detained upon his arrival in Malaysia last Wednesday. Insulting the prophet is considered blasphemous in Islam and is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia.

Malaysia: Saudi writer arrested for blasphemy over Mohammed tweets

A Saudi journalist was arrested in Malaysia on Wednesday night after a request by Interpol on behalf of Saudi authorities. Hamza Kashgari tweeted a mock conversation between himself and the prophet Mohammed last week, and fled the kingdom after he received thousands of death threats. Kashgari was en route to New Zealand when he was arrested. Saudi Arabia is seeking his extradition in order to try him for blasphemy.

Saudi Arabia: Shia protester ‘shot dead’

One person has been killed and at least three others have been injured in clashes between security forces and Shia protesters in Saudi Arabia.

22 year-old Issam Mohammed died in al-Awamiya on Friday, after live ammunition was fired into the crowd by troops.  The troops began firing after protesters threw stones at them. Officials  also said a security vehicle was shot at and attacked with petrol bombs.

Meanwhile, a Saudi Arabian man has been arrested by the country’s religious police for allegedly using Facebook to arrange dates with other men. If charged with being gay, the man could face massive fines, flogging, jail or death.