Pro-state media prostrate themselves

Following the leadership coup at the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) its new rulers have been falling over itself to out-do North Korea’s media in their dumb loyalty to Tunisian leader Zine el Abidine Ben Ali in the days running up to presidential elections on Sunday. The new board vows to redouble their efforts to deliver “free information,” but “loyal and faithful to the homeland”. And they “express adherence to the Head of State’s vanguard choices and their support to his pertinent guidelines”. There’s more for those with strong stomachs here.

Tunisian government smears Al Jazeera

A government campaign is taking place in Tunisia to discredit Al Jazeera as “the mouthpiece of opposition” to President Ben Ali’s government according to Reporters Without Borders. State owned media and television are being seen to criticise the Doha run news service. Al Jazeera Tunisia correspondent Lofti Hajji has had his activities severely restricted and police have prevented him from interviewing human rights activists and his internet connection has been cut for the past month. Read more here

Radio Kalima attacked

Intimidation of employees of Tunisia’s Radio Kalima continued on Thursday, after police surrounded the premises of the satellite radio station earlier in the week. Staff were threatened and detained and the station’s equipment was sabotaged and later seized. Managing editor Omar Mestiri was said to have been threatened with a knife. More