UAE: Now tweeting rumours can land you three years in jail

The UAE has announced it intends to enforce legislation combating the “spreading of rumours” by social media, punishable by up to three years in prison.

Despite the authorities’ assurance that “there are clear definitions in the law to explain the exact meanings of spreading rumours, spreading lies, or spreading defamatory remarks”, in the words of the UAE’s Telecommunications Regulation Authority (TRA) General Manager Mohammad Al Ganem, the announcement has left a number of users puzzled about the extent and limitations of this law, especially its focus on instant messaging, including BlackBerry Messenger and SMS.

The implication can be far-reaching, as the “rumours'” include those “that could cause confusion among the public and lead to destabilisation of the country’s security” all the way to “spreading rumours about merchandise, cancer-causing agents, or mentioning outlets carrying the merchandise.”

The UAE has had a difficult relationship with the internet and social media. Its list of censored websites, though more limited than many other Gulf countries, included until a few months ago photo sharing website Flickr. Skype is also blocked.

More worryingly, however, in April of this year four bloggers were arrested for calling for reforms in the federal nation, and were charged with using a website called UAE Hewar to “conspire against the safety and security of the state in association with foreign powers”.

Seen in that context, the recent announcement regarding “rumours” can be seen as a thinly-veiled warning for activists whose criticism of the government can be viewed as “defamatory remarks” — a category of speech also punishable by the legislation, which is not a new law but an extension and a new application of the existing penal code.

The announcement has also led to a discussion in neighbouring Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, which generally enforce a level of internet censorship. In Qatar for instance, a newspaper observed the online debate and concluded that “most commentators, though strongly opposed to rumour-mongering, said they favoured free expression through the internet”.

UAE: Fourth pro-democracy activist detained

Human rights lawyers say the authorities on Friday (15 April) detained an activist participating in an online forum that called for free elections in the country. Abdullah al-Shehhy becomes the fourth activist who has been arrested since demonstrators began calling for political reforms in the country. The government had previously arrested the leader of the forum, Ahmed Mansour.

UAE: News website shut down

The Emirates Local News website (, which translates and posts all news about the UAE from around the world, has been blocked within the UAE. The ban came 10 days before the site’s first anniversary and the government have offered no reason for the decision. Visitors to the site will find only an announcement that the site has been “banned as per the regulations of the Internet access department in the UAE”. This follows the closing of the alHewar alEmirati forum at the start of the year.

UAE: BlackBerry ban suspended

A UAE regulator has withdrawn its threat to suspend BlackBerrys mobile communication services. In August, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority said it would ban BlackBerry’s messenger, e-mail and web-browser services on October 11.  It claimed BlackBerry’s use of internal encrypted networks raised national security concerns. Research in Motion (RIM), the Canadian maker of BlackBerry entered negotiations and the regulator has now determined that Blackberry has become “compliant” with UAE law. RIM has refused to specify any of their concessions. They are thought to have granted some access to communications passed between devices to the government. The authorities in India, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Lebanon have expressed similar reservations.