US court, lies protected as free speech?

Xavier Alvarez told some pretty big lies about his military service during a 2007 municipal water-board meeting in California — that he retired as a US Marine after 25 years, during which time he was awarded the prestigious Medal of Honor. When it turned out Alvarez had never even been a Marine at all (let alone many of the other things he has claimed to be over the years – a Detroit Red Wings hockey player, an Iranian hostage crisis hero), the water board member was convicted under a 2006 federal law making it a crime to lie about receiving military honours.

Last week, an appeals court reaffirmed a lower-court ruling throwing out the conviction on logic that has been praised by free-speech advocates: The First Amendment, the court concluded, protects fibs told about military service, rendering the Stolen Valor Act unconstitutional. Other courts have disagreed about the constitutionality of the law, and the final word come could eventually from the Supreme Court.

Several judges dissented, arguing that “the right to lie is not a fundamental right under the Constitution.” But Chief Judge Alex Kozinski countered that criminalizing lies about military service could lead to making even more mundane falsehoods illegal.

“If false factual statements are unprotected,” he wrote, “then the government can prosecute not only the man who tells tall tales of winning the congressional Medal of Honor, but also the JDater who falsely claims he’s Jewish or the dentist who assures you it won’t hurt a bit. Phrases such as ‘I’m working late tonight, hunny,’ ‘I got stuck in traffic’ and ‘I didn’t inhale’ could all be made into crimes.”

(JDate, which must surely be making its debut here in sweeping legal scholarship, is a popular online dating site for Jewish American singles.)


United States: More than 100 protesters arrested

Around 30 demonstrators were arrested at a protest demanding the release of Private Bradley Manning on Sunday. The demonstration was held at the Quantico marine base in Virginia, where Manning is being held in solitary confinement.

Another US protest held this weekend resulted in the arrest of 113 anti-war activists. The man who leaked the Pentagon Papers was among those detained. They were protesting near the White House to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the Iraq war. Police made the arrests after warning activists to stop marching round the White House.

NY Ballet censors dancers’ tweets

New York City Ballet bosses have taken the decision to censor their dancers’ tweets. This move was announced after Devin Alberda ridiculed a major donor and wrote disparaging remarks about the director’s arrest for drink-driving. He has allegedly been “silently booing” benefactor David Hoch, who has donated $100 million to the company to fund the Lincoln Center theatre.